In spring-int 4.1, I had the header-mapper working fine, like so:
<int-ws:inbound-gateway id="my-gateway"
unmarshaller="jaxb2Marshaller" marshaller="jaxb2Marshaller"
header-mapper="soapHeaderMapper" />
<beans:bean id="soapHeaderMapper" class="">
<beans:property name="requestHeaderNames" value="*"/>
When I try to upgrade to spring-int 4.2, the header-mapper is not allowed. The reason why I need it is because I need the soap security header to be mapped. But I don't think it is being mapped without specifying the soapHeaderMapper. Note that I do have the following upstream to intercept the soap request and I am pretty sure the interceptor is not removing the soap header. Let me know if you need the complete config.
<beans:bean id="wss4jSecurityInterceptor" class="">
<beans:property name="validationActions" value="UsernameToken"/>
<beans:property name="validationCallbackHandler" ref="validationCallbackHandler"></beans:property>
<beans:property name="removeSecurityHeader" value="false"></beans:property>
That still works.
Why do you think that header-mapper
is ignored?
We have this test config:
<ws:inbound-gateway id="headerMappingGateway" request-channel="headerMappingRequests"
And the test-case on the matter:
private SimpleWebServiceInboundGateway headerMappingGateway;
private SoapHeaderMapper testHeaderMapper;
public void testHeaderMapperReference() throws Exception {
DirectFieldAccessor accessor = new DirectFieldAccessor(headerMappingGateway);
Object headerMapper = accessor.getPropertyValue("headerMapper");
assertEquals(testHeaderMapper, headerMapper);
So, everything should work as it was with Spring Integration 4.1.
Otherwise, please, share the test-case to reproduce.
We appreciate any feedback!
P.S. I see, of course, that we have an XSD miss-typing with expected and what is really allowed. But that doesn't prevent to use any possible custom SoapHeaderMapper