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Insert Rows Using ROWNUM In Oracle

In my code I am trying to insert data in a for loop based on the row number. The reason I want to use it is because otherwise I get a "single-row subquery returns more than one row" error, because my select subqueries return more than one row, indeed and obviously I want to insert it one at a time.

for x in (select * from PilotKeyLookup) loop
if x.p2id != null then
insert into BridgeTable (groupid, pilotid) values (sqBridgeGroupID.nextval, (select p1id from PilotKeyLookup));
insert into BridgeTable (groupid, pilotid) values (sqBridgeGroupID.currval, (select p2id from PilotKeyLookup));
insert into BridgeTable (groupid, pilotid) values (sqBridgeGroupID.nextval, (select p1id from PilotKeyLookup));
end if;
end loop;

And this is how I am trying to use rownum:

for x in (select * from PilotKeyLookup) loop
if x.p2id != null then
insert into BridgeTable (groupid, pilotid) values (sqBridgeGroupID.nextval, (select p1id from PilotKeyLookup where rownum = x));
insert into BridgeTable (groupid, pilotid) values (sqBridgeGroupID.currval, (select p2id from PilotKeyLookup where rownum = x));
insert into BridgeTable (groupid, pilotid) values (sqBridgeGroupID.nextval, (select p1id from PilotKeyLookup where rownum = x));
end if;
end loop;

However, I get an "expression is of wrong type" error. Any suggestions?


  • You probably need a conditional insert INSERT ... WHEN ... THEN, like this:

    CREATE TABLE PilotKeyLookup(
      p1id int, p2id int
    INSERT INTO PilotKeyLookup VALUES( 5, null );
    INSERT INTO PilotKeyLookup VALUES( 6, 7 );
    CREATE TABLE BridgeTable(
       groupid int, pilotid int
    CREATE SEQUENCE sqBridgeGroupID;
      WHEN 1 = 1 THEN INTO BridgeTable( groupid, pilotid ) 
                      VALUES ( sqBridgeGroupID.nextval, p1id )
      WHEN p2id is not null THEN INTO BridgeTable( groupid, pilotid ) 
                      VALUES ( sqBridgeGroupID.currval, p2id )
    SELECT *
    FROM PilotKeyLookup p;
    select * from BridgeTable;
    ---------- ----------
             1          5 
             2          6 
             2          7