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atlassian-plugin.xml contains a definition of component-import. This is not allowed when Atlassian-Plugin-Key is set

This is what I get when I run atlas-create-jira-plugin followed by atlas-create-jira-plugin-module selecting option 1: Component Import.

The problem is that all tutorial examples appear to have plugin descriptor generated by old SDK version (that won't deploy with newer versions of SDK/Jira at all), which do not feature Atlassian-Plugin-Key, so I can't find my way to import a component.

I'm using SDK 6.2.3 and Jira 7.1.1.

Any hint - how to get this sorted out?


  • Found answer here:

    It looks like I've somehow been missing that Atlassian-Plugin-Key can be omitted, and it must be done when you need to import components.

    This key just tells spring not to 'transform' plugin's Spring configuration, which must happen as part of components import process..