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Displaying attached image with post how to i get it to display

                    <div class="col-md-4">
                        <h3 class="textStrong">Latest Tweets</h3>
                        <a class="twitter-timeline" href="">Tweets by RFUK </a></div>
                    <div class="col-md-4"></div>
                <div class="col-md-4">
                    <h2>News Feeds</h2>
                     var news = new List<Piranha.Entities.Post>(); 
                         using (var db = new Piranha.DataContext()) { 
                          news = db.Posts 
                          .Include(p => p.CreatedBy) 
                          .Where(p => p.Template.Name == "News Post Types") 
                          .OrderByDescending(p => p.Published) 
                        @foreach (var post in news) { 
                            <div class="post"> 
                             <h2><a href="@UI.Permalink(post.PermalinkId)">@post.Title</a></h2> 
                                 <p class="meta">Published @post.Published.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") by @post.CreatedBy.Firstname</p> 
                            <img src="@post.Attachments">    

I working with posts. I have this code to work with.... Works really well I might add.. However the attached image I wish to display with the post. How can I do that?

                            <img src="@post.Attachments">

It doesn't appear to work any suggestions on how I sort what I need to do?


  • Like @andreasnico pointed out Attachments is a collection of referenced media asset id's. If you want to display the first attachment (assuming you know it's an image) you'd probably do like this.

    @foreach (var post in news) { 
      <div class="post"> 
        <h2><a href="@UI.Permalink(post.PermalinkId)">@post.Title</a></h2> 
        <p class="meta">Published @post.Published.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") by @post.CreatedBy.Firstname</p> 
        @if (post.Attachments.Count > 0) {
          <img src="@UI.Content(post.Attachments[0])">

    This would get the content URL for the first attachment and use it as the source to the image. Note that you can also scale & crop images for use in lists like this with:

    <img src="@UI.Content(post.Attachments[0], 300, 100)">

    This would scale & crop the image to be 300px wide & 100px high. You can read more about this here:

    Also if the page displaying the post list is controlled by the CMS and has a page type I'd suggest you look into adding either a PostRegion or PostModelRegion to that page. These region automatically loads a collection of post into the page model, you can specify the amount, sort order & some other stuff. This will simplify you reusing the page type but for example changing which type of post to display for different page instances.

