I am struggling with getting handles information via Minidump (DbgHelp.h).
I am getting a list of MINIDUMP_HANDLE_DESCRIPTOR_2
from mapped file stream..
Then I am getting for each descriptor a MINIDUMP_HANDLE_OBJECT_INFORMATION
by using the ObjectInfoRva
However I cannot understand what information this MINIDUMP_HANDLE_OBJECT_INFORMATION
structure gives me, I couldn't find any examples on the web for extracting a meaningful information from the MINIDUMP_HANDLE_OBJECT_INFORMATION
, and the documentation is not very helpful.
structure data to get a a human readable data? I mean what do I need to do with it?
I always get 0 at InfoType
filed which means - MiniHandleObjectInformationNone
public uint NextInfoRva;
public UInt32 SizeOfInfo;
I've done some experiment with MINIDUMP_HANDLE_OBJECT_INFORMATION struct
When I am getting the struct, I am capable of reading a string from the RVA address with SizeOfInfo
size. Here I am allays getting 'Directory' as a string on all the handles descriptors that I got...
link to doc:
Any help will be appreciated :)
My process, on which I am trying to apply it, uses WaitForMultipleObjects
and WaitForSingleObject
Link to my implementation:
Link to WinDbg !handle
command output which I execute on the same dump file:
Maybe the issue is that I don't set a valid values for my MINIDUMP_HANDLE_OBJECT_INFORMATION_TYPE enumeration, does anyone familiar with a reliable source with this enum values declaration? I didn't found anything official.
Just to make it clear.
In WinDbj, I get the same information as I get from the MINIDUMP_HANDLE_DESCRIPTOR_2, For instance if WinDbg !handle command has this output:
Handle 00000004
Type Directory
Handle 00000008
Type Directory
Handle 0000000c
Type Event
Handle 00000010
Type Event
Handle 00000014
Type File
I can getthe same data from the MINIDUMP_HANDLE_DESCRIPTOR_2
ObjectName and TypeName which are of MINIDUMP_STRING
The information that I cannot get is the one located in the MINIDUMP_HANDLE_OBJECT_INFORMATION
struct. Which is not visible on the !hanlde
command output.
What kind of information suppose to be located in MINIDUMP_HANDLE_OBJECT_INFORMATION ?
After a couple of rough hours - debugging my managed code and comparing it to C++ code examples - I found my bug with MINIDUMP_HANDLE_OBJECT_INFORMATION
struct reading – I didn’t calculated the rva + baseMinidump
address appropriately.
Now it works, I am able of getting the additional information the handles :)
Mu code can be found here: https://github.com/Pavel-Durov/Multithreading-Debugging-Asignments/blob/master/Assignments/Assignments.Core/Handlers/MiniDumpHandler.cs
line 144, DealWithHandleInfo function