It is ok to use custom variables in the aggregation for the feed?
When I push my activity I push the following
$data = [
'actor' => '1',
'verb' => "$verb",
'object' => "$objectType:$objectId",
'target' => "$targetObjectType:$targetObjectId",
'time' => "$time",
'foreign_id' => "$foreignId",
// Custom field
'object_type' => $objectType
It mentions when editing the aggregation feed:
The following variables are
available to you: verb, time, object, target, id, actor.
The reason I want a custom variable is that I want to aggregate by VERB TARGET and OBJECT(TYPE). So that I can show things such as 10 points were added to your item of id 1
. If we use the id as well such as object=point:1
then we can't use this in the aggregation since it will be different id for each point hence never
I just tried using a custom variable in the aggregation and it seems to be available and works. Is anything wrong in doing that?
Yes, you can use custom variables in your aggregation format. There is nothing wrong with doing so. In fact it's a great solution which gives you a lot of control over the aggregation. We should clarify that more clearly in the interface.