I wonder if anyone could help me with one issue: I am using ubuntu 12.04 and I wanted to install f2py. However the version found here:
Gives me an error with python 2.7.6. This issue arises to many users due to word "as" becoming a keyword since python 2.6 (http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.f2py.user/1802)
Hence which is the updated way to install f2py? Or using the one from numpy?
The version you link to is very very old. The installation instructions refer to Python2.1!
You'll find a newer version by searching PyPi. But the homepage for that package states that, as of 2007-07-19,
F2PY is now part of NumPy. All the development and maintenance of F2PY is carried out under NumPy SVN tree.
So the easiest way to install f2py on ubuntu is to install numpy:
sudo apt-get install python-numpy