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How to use Perl glob to read remote location?

my test script:

my $loc = "\\\\ant\\d1_sp\\test__18716093";
####$loc = "c:\\temp"; #this works good if I un-comment.
system("dir $loc\\*.log"); #added system command just for debugging.
my @test = glob qq("$loc\\*.log");
print "\narray=@test\n";

I want to save the file names in $loc into array for further processing, but its not doing so, what am I missing? output is:

C:\>perl c:\temp\

Directory of \\ant\d1_sp\test__18716093

03/14/2016  01:09 PM               959 build_1.8980.log
03/14/2016  01:20 PM           102,402 build_2.98981.log
           2 File(s)        103,361 bytes
           0 Dir(s)  1,589,522,239,488 bytes free



  • You want to list the .log files in the following share:


    To do so, you need to use the following glob pattern:


    The following is a string literal that produces that string:


    So the solution is


    Best to just use / instead of \ since you don't need to escape it in either glob patterns or string literals.
