I want to build AJTCL Base Services and run the tcl base services samples (notification, controllee etc).
I can build the AJTCL core successfully.
But when I build the base_tcl with the given instructions at the https://allseenalliance.org/framework/documentation/develop/building/thin-linux page it fails.
I both tried 15.09 and master
scons WS=off AJ_TCL_ROOT=../../core/ajtcl/
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Checking for uncrustify command...(cached) no
Checking for AllJoyn library ajtcl...no
Checking for C function AJ_EnableSoftAP()... (cached) no
Missing required external libraries
I can manage to build the master branches of the both AJTCL and BASE_TCL as of March 11.
Just be sure to build the AJTCL first and then build the BASE_TCL by using the AJTCL outputs.
You can also check it at the base_tcl's SConstruct file, there is AJTCL_DIST variable which should point to the AJCTL's dist folder.