I want to implement my own Priority Queue in C# using the naive approach. I need to use PQ for edges in a graph to implement Prims algorithm. Here is what I've done so far:
public class Edge
private int v; // one vertex
private int w; // the other vertex
private int weight; // edge weight
public Edge(int v0, int w0, int weight0)
v = v0;
w = w0;
weight = weight0;
public Edge()
v = 0;
w = 0;
weight = 0;
public int get_weight()
return weight;
public int either()
return v;
public int the_other(int vertex)
if (vertex == v) return w;
else return v;
public int compareTo(Edge that)
if (this.get_weight() < that.get_weight()) return -1;
if (this.get_weight() < that.get_weight()) return 1;
else return 0;
public string to_str()
string s = v.ToString() + " " + weight.ToString() + " " + w.ToString() + '\n';
return s;
public class MyPriorityQueue_Edge
private List<Edge> q = new List<Edge>();
int size;
public MyPriorityQueue_Edge()
size = 0;
public void insert(Edge e)
Edge Min()
int min_weight = 1000;
Edge min_edge = new Edge();
foreach(Edge e in q)
if(e.get_weight()< min_weight)
min_edge = e;
return min_edge;
public Edge delmin()
Edge e = q.Min();
return e;
public bool is_empty()
if (size == 0) return true;
else return false;
When I compile it the compiler points to this line:
Edge e = q.Min();
And says that I did not work on the exception "System.Argument.Exception". How can I fix this?
From MSDN Enumerable.Min<TSource> Method (IEnumerable<TSource>)
If type TSource implements
, this method uses that implementation to compare values. Otherwise, if type TSource implementsIComparable
, that implementation is used to compare values.
You need to implement IComparable interface in your Edge class.
public class Edge : IComparable
Then add a CompareTo() method. Something like
public int CompareTo(object obj)
if (obj is Edge)
Edge other = (Edge)obj;
return this.compareTo(other); // you already implemented this in your Edge class
throw new InvalidOperationException();