A typical BNF defining arithmetic operations:
E :- E + T
| T
T :- T * F
| F
F :- ( E )
| number
Is there any way to re-write this grammar so it could be implemented with an LR(0) parser, while still retaining the precedence and left-associativity of the operators? I'm thinking it should be possible by introducing some sort of disambiguation non-terminals, but I can't figure out how to do it.
A language can only have an LR(0) grammar if it's prefix-free, meaning that no string in the language is a prefix of another. In this case, the language you're describing isn't prefix-free. For example, the string number + number
is a prefix of number + number + number
A common workaround to address this would be to "endmark" your language by requiring all strings generated to end in a special "done" character. For example, you could require that all strings generated end in a semicolon. If you do that, you can build an LR(0) parser for the language with this grammar:
S → E;
E → E + T | T
T → T * F | F
F → number | (E)