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Browserify standalone option doesn't directly wraps the code with specified name?

I tried to use gulp, browserify, watchify, and babelify to compile a standalone js module. The options is like this:

const browserifyOpts = {
  debug: true,
  entries: path.join('src', 'index.js'),
  standalone: 'Goo',
  transform: [

My JS module is as follows:

export default class Goo {
  constructor() {
    this.a = 'hello';

It compiles fine. But when I include it in a script tag in a html file, the Goo module is wrapped inside window.Goo.default, that is, I cannot directly use:

new Goo();

but have to use:

new Goo.default();

Any idea where went wrong? Thanks!


  • The easiest option would be to wrap this yourself by having your index.js file contain something like

    module.exports = require('./main').default;

    and move your current index.js to main.js. Then you'll be set.

    As the other answer says, you can potentially use babel-plugin-add-module-exports, but that is not something I'd generally recommend because while it fixes this problem, it also introduces the possibility that you could accidentally write import/export pairs that work but are not spec-compliant.