We are talking server side java script here on the MarkLogic platform. Now I am confused:
// query
function testBoolean(){
return false
if(testBoolean()){'true'} else {'false'}
gives the string "false" as testBoolean() is of type Boolean.
Now my own function returns also a boolean but I need an explicit comparison before if()
figures it out...
function userExists(userName) {
// check if user exists in security database
var data = {userName : userName}
var options = {
"database" : xdmp.securityDatabase()
var res = xdmp.eval("declareUpdate(); var sec = require('/MarkLogic/security.xqy'); sec.userExists(userName)",
return res
// make sure result is actually aboolean
// xdmp.type(userExists('scc-user-1'))
if(userExists('notextistinguser')){ 'true' } else {'false'}
gives the string "true" ???
The user 'notextistinguser' does not exist(duhhh), the function returns a type boolean of value 'false' and still this passes as true. I tried looking at the 'different-transaction' option.
When I compare explicitly in need to cast the false to a string?
So what type is my custom function now? It reports boolean but acts as a string?
Change your last line to be:
if(fn.boolean(userExists('notextistinguser'))){ 'true' } else {'false'}
or change the return on your function to be :
return fn.boolean(res)
That returns the correct result now.
will convert that into an actual JavaScript boolean for you.
Here are some results from testing:
typeof(userExists('notextistinguser')) //Returns Object
typeof(fn.boolean(userExists('notextistinguser'))) //Returns Boolean