I have a table called account with two columns - ID & NAME. ID is a hash which is unique but NAME is a string which might have duplicates.
I'm trying to write a python script to read this excel file and match 0-3 similar NAME values, but I just cannot seem to get it to work. Could someone help out? Thanks
import pandas as pd
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
import difflib
def get_spr(row):
d = name1.apply(lambda x: (fuzz.ratio(x['NAME'], row['NAME']) * 0 if row['ID'] == x['ID'] else 1), axis=1)
d = d[d>= 60]
if len(d) == 0:
v = ['']*2
v = name1.ix[d.idxmax(),['ID' , 'NAME']].values
return pd.Series(v, index=['ID', 'NAME'])
def score(tablerow):
d = name1.apply(lambda x: fuzz.ratio(x['NAME'],tablerow['NAME']) * (0 if x['ID']==tablerow['ID'] else 1), axis=1)
d = d[d>90]
if len(d) == 0:
v = [''] * 2
v = name1.ix[d.order(ascending=False).head(3).index, ['ID' , 'NAME']].values
return pd.DataFrame(v, index=['ID', 'NAME'])
account = "account_test.xlsx"
xl_acc1 = pd.ExcelFile(account)
xl_acc2 = pd.ExcelFile(account)
acc1 = xl_acc1.parse(xl_acc1.sheet_names[0])
acc2 = xl_acc2.parse(xl_acc2.sheet_names[0])
name1 = acc1[pd.notnull(acc1['NAME'])]
name2 = acc2[pd.notnull(acc2['NAME'])]
print 'Doing Fuzzy Matching'
name2= pd.concat((name2,name2.apply(get_spr, axis=1)), axis=1)
Any help would be much appreciated!
The file has rows like this:-
0016F00001c7GDZQA2 Daniela Abriani
0016F00001c7GPnQAM Daniel Abriani
0016F00001c7JRrQAM Nisha Well
0016F00001c7Jv8QAE Katherine
0016F00001c7cXiQAI Katerine
0016F00001c7dA3QAI Katherin
0016F00001c7kHyQAI Nursing and Midwifery Council Research Office
0016F00001c8G8OQAU Nisa Well
Expected (output dataframe) would be something like:
<hash1> katherine <hash2> katerine
<hash1> katherine <hash3> katherin
<hash4> Nisa Well <hash5> Nisha Well
Issue: The above code just reproduces the input as the output saved file without actually concatenating any matches.
I don't think you need to do this in pandas. Here is my sloppy solution but it gets your desired output using a dictionary.
from fuzzywuzzy import process
df = pd.DataFrame([
['0016F00001c7GDZQA2', 'Daniela Abriani'],
['0016F00001c7GPnQAM', 'Daniel Abriani'],
['0016F00001c7JRrQAM', 'Nisha Well'],
['0016F00001c7Jv8QAE', 'Katherine'],
['0016F00001c7cXiQAI', 'Katerine'],
['0016F00001c7dA3QAI', 'Katherin'],
['0016F00001c7kHyQAI', 'Nursing and Midwifery Council Research Office'],
['0016F00001c8G8OQAU', 'Nisa Well']],
columns=['ID', 'NAME'])
get unique hashes in to a dictionary.
hashdict = dict(zip(df['ID'], df['NAME']))
define a function checkpair
. You'll need it to remove reciprocal hash pairs. This method will add (hash1, hash2)
and (hash2, hash1)
, but I think you only want to keep one of those pairs:
def checkpair (a,b,l):
for x in l:
if (a,b) == (x[2],x[0]):
Now iterate through hashdict.items()
finding the top 3 matches along the way. The fuzzywuzzy docs detail the process
matches = []
for k,v in hashdict.items():
#see docs for extract -- 4 because you are comparing a name to itself
top3 = process.extract(v, hashdict, limit=4)
#remove the hashID compared to itself
for h in top3:
if k == h[2]:
#append tuples to the list "matches" if it meets a score criteria
[matches.append((k, v, x[2], x[0], x[1])) for x in top3 if x[1] > 60] #change score?
#remove reciprocal pairs
[checkpair(m[0], m[2], matches) for m in matches]
df = pd.DataFrame(matches, columns=['id1', 'name1', 'id2', 'name2', 'score'])
# write to file
writer = pd.ExcelWriter('/path/to/your/file.xlsx')
id1 name1 id2 name2 score
0 0016F00001c7JRrQAM Nisha Well 0016F00001c8G8OQAU Nisa Well 95
1 0016F00001c7GPnQAM Daniel Abriani 0016F00001c7GDZQA2 Daniela Abriani 97
2 0016F00001c7Jv8QAE Katherine 0016F00001c7dA3QAI Katherin 94
3 0016F00001c7Jv8QAE Katherine 0016F00001c7cXiQAI Katerine 94
4 0016F00001c7dA3QAI Katherin 0016F00001c7cXiQAI Katerine 88