I do not understand why in the book Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt, a context menu is added to a central widget by calling addActions()
on the main window (self
), like so (p. 180):
(editInvertAction, …))
where self
is a QMainWindow
, and imageLabel
is a QLabel
set as the central widget with
# Added actions will be put in a context menu:
Now, why would the main window be associated in some way (through self.addActions()
) to the context menu of the central widget? Isn't it enough to call addActions()
directly on the central widget? In fact, the following does create a context menu:
self.imageLabel.addActions((editInvertAction, …))
Why doesn't the book example the context menu this way? isn't this equivalent to the more involved self.addActions(…)
PS: I even see that the documentation for QMainWindow.addActions() does not even mention any first argument (self.imageLabel
, above)! I'm completely lost as to why the book uses the first snippet above instead of the last one… Help! :)
Using self.addAction() on QMainWindow allow all QMainWindow childs (Docks, StatusBar, ToolBar, MenuBar, ...) to use theses actions, not only the central widget.
But the best way to get a fine-grained context menu control is to use the customContextMenuRequested signal (http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/static/Docs/PyQt4/html/qwidget.html#customContextMenuRequested).