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C++ RAII and polymorphism compatibility

There is no finally block in C++ because of RAII. Now if I have a pointer object and exception happens in one of the method, how this object will be deleted?. Here is a sample code I have written.

class A
        cout<<"I am inside A\n";

    virtual void mymethod()
        throw 0;

    virtual ~A()
        cout<<"A destroyed\n";

class B : public A
public :
    //A a;

        cout<<"I am inside B \n";

    virtual void mymethod()
        throw 0;

        cout<<"B destroyed\n";

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
        A *b = new B();


        delete b;

    catch (int i)
    return 0;

Now in this how to delete the pointer object (b).


  • First of, all polymorphic types should have virtual destructors.
    Second, when you use owning raw pointers, you basically disable RAII.
    The solution is to use a smart-pointer:

    • If you want a unique asset, use unique_ptr. This wont be copyable.
    • If you want a shared asset, use shared_ptr. This will do shallow copy.
    • If you want value-semantics, use clone_ptr. This will do deep copy.
      It's from the next standard, but you can find it here