I am integrating google instance id api for iOS and called the appropriate method as follows to get an instance id.
let gcmConfig = GCMConfig.defaultConfig()
gcmConfig.receiverDelegate = self
GGLInstanceID.sharedInstance().getIDWithHandler { (identity, error) -> Void in if let err = error { print(err) } else{ self.instanceID = identity } }
However i got this error
Error Domain=com.google.iid Code=1005 "(null)"
i followed the documentation on this url
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Did you find a solution to your problem ?
I ran into the same error and i figured it out. It's Obj-C code but i assume it's the same in swift. The problem was the config initialization.
GGLInstanceIDConfig *config = [GGLInstanceIDConfig defaultConfig];
[[GGLInstanceID sharedInstance] startWithConfig:config];
GGLInstanceID *iidInstance = [GGLInstanceID sharedInstance];
GGLInstanceIDHandler handler = ^void(NSString *identity, NSError *error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(@"error %@", [error description]);
} else {
// handle InstanceID for the app
NSLog(@"Success! ID = %@", identity);
[iidInstance getIDWithHandler:handler];