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Transfer file using SFTP from Windows to Linux

I need to transfer files from my windows based server to my Linux server using SFTP protocol. They are in the same LAN network.

I have enabled SFTP on my Linux server.

sudo apt-get install openssh-server
sudo apt-get install ssh

I made a group (I call it sftponly) and a user (abc) for my SFTP server.
I am using PuTTY as my SSH client in Windows environment.
In my Windows, I have a text file located in c:/myfile/myfile.txt and I want to upload this file using SFTP into my Linux server

My batch file code looks like:

start putty.exe -ssh -l admin-pw Password -m C:\\test\ssh.txt

The contents of my ssh.txt is:

sftp abc@
put c:/myfile/myfile.txt

I am sure the put syntax is wrong because we are in Windows environment. What is the missing code in my ssh.txt file so I can upload the myfile.txt into SFTP?

The abc user has all the privileges.


  • The remote sftp process cannot access the local files on your Windows machine.

    (Even if it could, your script file is still wrong, as the the put will be executed [and not understood] by a shell, not by the sftp.)

    You have to use a local SFTP client to upload the files to the remove SFTP server.

    The PuTTY comes with the psftp.exe SFTP client that mimics the OpenSSH sftp client.

    psftp.exe abc@ -b C:\test\ssh.txt

    Where the ssh.txt contains the put command:

    put c:\myfile\myfile.txt