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WebStorm not recognizing dynamic methods

I'm currently writing an app in Object Oriented JavaScript, and I have a method which adds various functions on runtime to a function's prototype chain. The problem with this, is that when I try to use them in WebStorm i get an JSUnresolvedFunction error.

I've tried adding JSDoc to my code in the constructor and in the code itself but it still wont recognize the methods. Here is my code:

 * Example class
 * @constructor
 * @member {Function} OnConnect        <-- Doesn't work
 * @var {Function} OnConnect           <-- Doesn't work either
 * @typedef {Function} OnConnect       <-- You get the deal
 * @property {Function} OnConnect      <-- Same for this
function MyClass() 
    // Add methods dynamically
    this.addMethods(["OnConnect", "OnDisconnect"]);

    // Add callback listener to 'OnConnect'
    // This is where WebStorm doesn't recognize my methods
    this.OnConnect(function() { 
        console.log('Callback fired!'); 

 * Add methods which do the same thing to the class
 * @param {Array} methods
 * @returns {void}
MyClass.prototype.addMethods = function(methods) 
    for (var i in methods) {
        this[methods[i]] = function(callback) {
            /** Tons of re-used logic here */


  • just remove everything except the @property

         * Example class
         * @constructor
         * @property {Function} OnConnect
        function MyClass() 
        // Add methods dynamically
        this.addMethods(["OnConnect", "OnDisconnect"]);
        // Add callback listener to 'OnConnect'
        // This is where WebStorm doesn't recognize my methods
        this.OnConnect(function() { 
            console.log('Callback fired!'); 
     * Add methods which do the same thing to the class
     * @param {Array} methods
     * @returns {void}
    MyClass.prototype.addMethods = function(methods) 
        for (var i in methods) {
            this[methods[i]] = function(callback) {
                /** Tons of re-used logic here */