I'm trying to create customObject (rectangle and it inherit from QGraphicsItem) that will be painted on scene with ceratin text(stored in attribute), but when I scale it - i wish to keep same size of text. Here is my over. paint function:
void CustomRectangle::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *options, QWidget *widget)
QColor currentColor = get_ColorByCurrentState();
QRectF rect = boundingRect();
QPen pen(currentColor, Own_LineWidith);
QRectF rect_text(rect.x(), rect.y(),100,100);
painter->drawText(rect_text,this->getText() );
and my two scaling functions:
void CustomObject::scaleUp()
void CustomObject::scaleDown()
But text still keep scaling along with rectangle.
EDIT 1 I tried adding it another way, i nfucntion that creates and adds my rectangle to scene (here - named "newObject"), but result is still the same.
QGraphicsTextItem* GTI = new QGraphicsTextItem(newObject->toStringForScene(), newObject);
I'm beginign to think that I shoud create each text object as separeted object and save it different list. Ofcours, i would have to update it then, whenever it's object moved.
I resolved this with QGraphicsTextItem's poitner as class's attribute.
QGraphicsTextItem* GTI;
I initialzie it in constructor:
GTI_Description = new QGraphicsTextItem(this->toStringForScene());
and then I call function to updated it's X and Y:
void updateTextPosition()
GTI->setX( this->x() );
GTI->setY( this->y() );
and to add it to the scene:
addTextToScene(DragScene* _scene)
Then i just call updateTextPosition() whenerver I change positions (in my mouseRelease event's handler).