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Could not start psc-ide-server process. Check the configured port number is valid. psc-ide-server error

My end goal is to use the Atom IDE plugin for Purescript which gives me the error:

Could not start psc-ide-server process. Check the configured port number is valid. psc-ide-server error

I just installed Purescript 0.8.2 using npm.

npm install -g purescript
[email protected] postinstall /usr/local/lib/node_modules/purescript

  ✔ psc pre-build test passed successfully
  ✔ psc-bundle pre-build test passed successfully
  ✔ psc-docs pre-build test passed successfully
  ✔ psc-publish pre-build test passed successfully
  ✔ psci pre-build test passed successfully

Should it have the psc-ide-server and psc-ide-client? I see these folders in the purescript master branch and the release doc mentions that it is now distributed with the compiler. How do I access it?

In my /usr/local/lib/node_modules/purescript/bin, I see psc-bundle,psc-docs,psc-publish,psc, psci but no psc-ide-server and psc-ide-client


  • The binaries are missing from the npm distribution for this release. You can get them with the release bundle from GitHub.

    If you put them in your path, ide-purescript should start working.