I use IntelliJ IDEA 15.0.4 to develop a Java Play! 2.4.4 application. Since a few months (I think it was because of an IntelliJ update, but not 100% sure) the following problem occurs:
Whenever I call a reverse route from a controller that takes a String as a parameter, the parameter is displayed as an error with the following message:
methodName (string) in ReverseMyController cannot be applied to (java.lang.String)
Here's a code example:
public Result myAction(String myId) {
// Do something...
// Redirect back to referrer
flash("success", "Action was a success");
if(!myId.isEmpty()) return redirect(controllers.routes.MyController.showItem(myId));
return redirect(controllers.routes.MyController.itemList(1));
In this example, the parameter myId
passed to the method showItem
would be error highlighted, like this.
I already tried fiddling with the Project Structure settings and searched Google, but to no avail. I hope somebody is able to help me with this, my OCD-self would really appreciate having a code base with no error hints again ;)
Yes, I meet the same issue as what you said. I think it is a bug of the IDEA 15.0.4, Have you tried to change to the older version before 15.0.4?