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Is there any feature of TextBlob to obtain neutral classification?

I am interested in building a text classifier using textBlob but from my research does not look like after you train the classifier to return neutral tags. Does anyone know a way to implement this ? Or is there a similar library which provides neutral classification ? Thank you.


  • I am using If else Statement for this : like

    from textblob import TextBlob
    from textblob.sentiments import NaiveBayesAnalyzer
    blob = TextBlob(message, analyzer=NaiveBayesAnalyzer())
    a = (blob.sentiment)
    if a.__getattribute__("p_pos") > a.__getattribute__("p_neg"):
        tag = str(a.__getattribute__("classification"))
        sentiment = str(a.__getattribute__("p_pos"))
    elif a.__getattribute__("p_pos") < a.__getattribute__("p_neg"):
        tag = str(a.__getattribute__("classification"))
        sentiment = str(a.__getattribute__("p_neg"))
        tag = "N"
        sentiment = "0"

    If their is neutral sentence, p_pos and p_neg will be equal!

    This works for me!!! Hope it works for you