Didn't find this exact question/answer. In VB.NET, If I open a SqlConnection in a Try/Catch block, and an Exception is thrown (caught properly), is the connection implicitly closed, or do I have to close it? (does it even get opened if the Try failed?)
Would "test" this myself, but I don't really know how to tell if the connection is open or closed when the Exception is thrown.
No. That's why you'll want to declare the connection variable before the try/catch and add a finally to it to ensure you have a place where the connection can be closed and disposed:
Dim con As New SqlClientConnection( . . .)
' DB Operations (create, read, update, delete) here
Catch SqlClientException (ex)
' Deal with exception
' Code here will always run, whether or not the try code succeeded
' or if you wound up in a catch block. You can safely call .close()
' or (as shown below) .dispose() because if the connection is already
' closed/disposed, the call doesn't do anything.
' Dispose is what you want - it will not only close the
' connection, but it will release the .NET reference to
' the remote resource, freeing up that resource (the database
' in this case) to serve other clients.
End Try