I want to get all the labels belongs to a node, if there a way to do this in one query in SDN 4.0?
For example, my current repo is like
Book findById(Long bookId);
@Query("MATCH (n:Book) where id(n)={0} set n:AnotherLabel return n")
Book updateBookLabel(Long bookId);
is there anyway I can simply
to retrieve all the labels for this book node.
the class for book is
public class Book extends Something {
Yes, by default, my Book node should has two label Book
and Something
.Since I have a update method in the repo to add another label. Anyway I can retrieve the book with all 3 labels?
The only way to do this is via a custom query -
@Query("MATCH (n:Book) where id(n)={0} return labels(n) as labels")
List<String> getBookLabels(Long bookId);
Update based on comment
To return labels and the node properties in a single query, use a @QueryResult-
SDN 4.0 (cannot map nodes and relationships from a custom query to domain entities in a query result):
public class BookResult {
Long id;
Map<String,Object> node;
List<String> labels;
@Query("MATCH (n:Book) where id(n)={0} return labels(n) as labels, ID(n) as id, {properties: n} as node")
BookResult getBookLabels(Long bookId);
SDN 4.1
public class BookResult {
Book node;
List<String> labels;
@Query("MATCH (n:Book) where id(n)={0} return labels(n) as labels, n as node")
BookResult getBookLabels(Long bookId);