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mysql query order by two column with weight for each of them

I have table Foo(id, name, rateAvg, rateNum). rateAvg is between 1 to 5 and rateNum is number of rates by users.

I query table with mysql and order them by most rated Foos like this:


but that is not fair enough, for example one row has rateAvg of 4.8 with 1000 rates and the other with rateAvg of 5 and 10 rates and by my query item two come first.

Edit: by comment of @kingkero I found out that each of rateAvg and rateNum should have some weight for ordering, how can apply that in my query


  • You can try to apply a bayesian average, but you should pre calculate this rating and store in one of your fields.

    b(r) = [ W(a) * a + W(r) * r ] / (W(a) + W(r)]
    r = average rating for an item
    W(r) = weight of that rating, which is the number of ratings
    a = average rating for your collection
    W(a) = weight of that average, which is an arbitrary number,
           but should be higher if you generally expect to have more ratings
           for your items; 100 is used here, for a database which expects
           many ratings per item
    b(r) = new bayesian rating

    For example in your case:

    a = (4.8 * 1000 + 5 * 10) / 1010 = 4.8019
    r1 = 4.8
    r2 = 5
    W(a) = 100 // arbitrary average weight
    W(r1) = 1000 // weight of first raiting
    W(r2) = 10 // weight of second rating
    b(r1) = (100 * 4.8019 + 1000 * 4.8) / (100 + 1000) = 4.8001
    b(r2) = (100 * 4.8019 + 10 * 5) / (100 + 10) = 4.8199

    So you can see that these values are close to each other and you can try to change average weight to setup this bayesian average rating for your case.