I'm trying to evaluate if an item is already in existingArr
so that I don't add it multiple times.
But I keep getting an error "Cannot convert value of type String to expected argument type @noescape (AnyObject) throws -> Bool" when I try to evaluate if the existingArr
already contains an item, on this line if existingArr.contains(nD.dayOfTheWeek) == false
for days in results! {
let nD = DayClass()
nD.dayOfTheWeek = days[“D”] as! String
//check if there is already an existing Day array in prefs
if var existingArr = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().arrayForKey("D") {
//if so append the new value to that array and store it
if existingArr.contains(nD.dayOfTheWeek) == false {
let defaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
defaults.setObject(existingArr, forKey: "D")
} else {
//create a new array and store it
let defaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
defaults.setObject([nD.dayOfTheWeek], forKey: "D")
I have a general idea of what it is trying to tell me, but not enough to actually figure it out. Any help is very appreciated.
The main issue here is that arrayForKey:
returns [AnyObject]?
, and not all objects are Equatable
Why is Equatable
necessary? There are two implementations for contains
: one that takes an object, and one that takes a predicate (in the form of a closure). However, the contains
that takes an object requires the generator (the array in this case) to have elements (the objects in the array) to conform to Equatable
Because not all objects are Equatable, and existingArr
is of type [AnyObject]?
, Xcode assumes you are trying to call the predicate form of contains
. However, nD.dayOfTheWeek
is not a closure, so Xcode throws an error saying that it isn't a closure.
To fix this, you need to cast the existingArr
to type [String]
, because that's what type it is and strings are Equatable:
if var existingArr = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().arrayForKey("D") as? [String] {
Note: This shouldn't actually work because String
is actually a structure (not an object), but for some reason it still works in a simple playground test. If someone could explain why in the comments, that would be great.