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3D touch shortcut to a tab view and then performing a segue

I am having an issue using the 3D touch shortcuts inside my application. My app uses tabs but I would like to redirect the user into a tab then also into another segue when they press the create wish list button.

Here is a picture of my storyboard.

The code I am using at the moment displays the home view controller but I would like it to go into the create wish list controller.

The code I have for the handle shortcut inside the app delegate is here:

   func handleShortcut( shortcutItem:UIApplicationShortcutItem ) -> Bool {
            print("Handling shortcut")

            var succeeded = false

            if( shortcutItem.type == "com.example.Giftr" ) {

                print("- Handling \(shortcutItem.type)")

                if let tabVC = self.window?.rootViewController as? UITabBarController{
                tabVC.selectedIndex = 1 
                //This is where I need to swap to the "createwishlist" view controller. 


  • To solve this I used a Global Variable to store that the shortcut had been taken inside the appDelegate like below.

              GlobalVars.shortcut = 1
                let tabVC = window?.rootViewController as! UITabBarController
                tabVC.selectedIndex = 0

    Then inside the controller of the tab for the selectedIndex 0 checked if that value was 1 and if it was then segued to the view controller that I wanted to end up at. Like shown.

    override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {    
            if(GlobalVars.shortcut == 1)
                self.performSegueWithIdentifier("shortcut", sender: self)
                GlobalVars.shortcut = 0

    Make sure that you set the Global Variable to 0 or this will be called every time the view appears.