Is it possible to transmit a callback via remoting? I'd like to do something along the lines of myRemoteObject.PerformStuff( x => Console.WriteLine(x) );
If not, how would I implement a equivalent functionality?
Edit: I'm aware Remoting got superseded by WCF, but I'm still interested in this specific case. (Out of curiosity though, how's the issue in WCF?)
Remoting provides support for events. The client code can simply subscribe to an event that's exposed by the server class. (There are a large list of caveats here).
Also, you can pass a callback interface to a remote class, providing your implementation of the interface is a MarshalByRef object.
interface IMyCallback
void OnSomethingHappened(string information);
class MyCallbackImplementation : MarshalByRefObject, IMyCallback
public void OnSomethingHappened(string information)
// ...
class MyServerImplementation : MarshalByRefObject
List<IMyCallback> _callbacks = new List<IMyCallback>();
public void RegisterCallback(IMyCallback _callback)
public void InvokeCalbacks(string information)
foreach(IMyCallback callback in _callbacks)