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Netbeans 8.1 (for C/C++) cannot find my compiler (gcc-6.0.0 dev version)

I am totally new to C/C++ IDEs under mac os x, thus to netbeans. I downloaded the C/C++ dmg, under max os x 10.10.5.

I have built gcc-6.0.0 (dev version) from source and it works like a charm on the command line. I intend to use it with netbeans, so in netbeans preference, I created a new "tool collection" called "gcc-6.0.0" that I filled inspiring from the two default already available (called GNU and clang) after installation of netbeans. I've filled as follows :

  • Base directory : /usr/local/GNU/gcc-6.0.0
  • C Compiler : /usr/local/GNU/gcc-6.0.0/bin/gcc-6.0.0
  • C++ Compiler : /usr/local/GNU/gcc-6.0.0/bin/g++-6.0.0
  • Fortran Compiler : /usr/local/GNU/gcc-6.0.0/bin/gfortran-6.0.0
  • Assembler : /usr/bin/as
  • Make command : /usr/local/GNU/make-4.1/bin/make-4.1
  • Debugger command : I left it empty
  • QMake command : I left it empty
  • CMake command : /usr/local/lvm/cmake-3.3.2/bin/cmake

Note that my gcc commands (gcc, g++ and gfortran do have prefixes, it is not an error.) As I have built make and Cmake from source, I filled paths to their respective binaries also.

Note that in the add new tool collection windows, for "base directory" I have put : /usr/local/GNU/gcc-6.0.0 and was told (by a red message a the bottom of the new tool collection window) that "no compiler sets were found in the directory /usr/local/GNU/gcc-6.0.0'... Same message if I put /usr/local/GNU/gcc-6.0.0/bin instead...

Finally, I choose a welcome project template (for which I choose the newly created tool collection), and I build it, and have this console output :

cd '/Users/XXXXXXX/Documents/Welcome_1' 
/usr/bin/make -f Makefile CONF=Debug 
"/Applications/" -f nbproject/ QMAKE= SUBPROJECTS= .build-conf 
"/Applications/" -f nbproject/ dist/Debug/GNU_1-MacOSX/tmp14 
mkdir -p build/Debug/GNU_1-MacOSX 
rm -f "build/Debug/GNU_1-MacOSX/welcome.o.d" 
g++-6.0.0 -c -g -MMD -MP -MF "build/Debug/GNU_1-MacOSX/welcome.o.d" -o build/Debug/GNU_1-MacOSX/welcome.o 
/bin/sh: g++-6.0.0: command not found 
make[2]: *** [build/Debug/GNU_1-MacOSX/welcome.o] Error 127 
make[1]: *** [.build-conf] Error 2 
make: *** [.build-impl] Error 2 

BUILD FAILED (exit value 2, total time: 221ms) 

How come /bin/sh: g++-6.0.0: command not found when I don't have any issued like this one on the command line, and when I gave paths to g++-6.0.0 in the new tool collection windows ?

How can I achieve what I intended to do, that is, using my gcc-6.0.0 gcc/g++ compiler with netbeans ?

Thx in advance !


  • Putting /usr/local/GNU/gcc-6.0.0/bin for "base directory" instead of /usr/local/GNU/gcc-6.0.0 made my day, even if there still is the "no compiler sets were found in the directory" red message in the "new tool collection" window.