Hi I'm running REXX script on ZOC terminal and i want to display current time and ETA like this:
start time 22:44:24
end time 22:56:24
but I don't know how to increment current time ???
maybe to convert time to seconds then increment it and then convert time in seconds back to hh:mm:ss ??
I tried this way but dont know how to convert back time from seconds
intTime= TIME('S')+900
say="start time " TIME()
say="end time " intTime
One way would be along the lines of:-
intTime = TIME('S') + 900
hours = (intTime % 3600) // 24
minutes = (intTime // 3600) % 60
seconds = intTime // 60
endtime = RIGHT(hours,2,'0') || ":" || RIGHT(minutes,2,'0') || ":" || RIGHT(seconds,2,'0')
NOTE!! I don't have access to test this and it's been many years since I've written Rexx or had access. However, I think the basic process would work. That is:-
1) Extract the hours as an integer from the time (catering for the the potential to cross into the next day or days ie the // 24
2) Extract the minutes, as an integer, from the time, after dropping/subtracting the hours (the remainder of the time divided by hours ie intTime // 3600
3) Extract the seconds, as an integer, from the time. By obtaining the remaining of diving the time by 60 (will drop hours and minutes).
4) Building the end string as a concatenation of the hours, minutes and seconds. With : as the separator between two values (or surrounding the middle values). The right function to include a leading zero.
You could also try:-
intTime = TIME('S',TIME('S')+900,'S')
That is based upon TIME, which may be Object Rexx. I did also read something mentioning an extended TIME/DATE functionality. However, again that may have been referencing Object Rexx. Although, Mike Colishaw's name was mentioned.
Mike Colishaw, I believe, being the creator of the Rexx programming language.