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Why is my CASE expression non-deterministic?

I am trying to create a persisted computed column using CASE expression:

ALTER TABLE dbo.Calendar ADD PreviousDate AS 
case WHEN [Date]>'20100101' THEN  [Date]

MSDN clearly says that CASE is deterministic, here

However, I am getting an error:

Msg 4936, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Computed column 'PreviousDate' in table 'Calendar' cannot be persisted because the column is non-deterministic.

Of course, i can create a scalar UDF and explicitly declare it as deterministic, but is there a simpler way around this? I am already in the middle of getting the latest service pack. Thanks.


  • You need to CONVERT '20100101' with a style.

    Source or target type is datetime or smalldatetime, the other source or target type is a character string, and a nondeterministic style is specified.

    So, try this:

    ...WHEN [Date] > CONVERT(datetime, '20100101', 112)....

    Date parsing from string can be unreliable as I've answered before (mostly in comments)


    I wouldn't say it's a bug, but SQL Server asking for 100% clarification. yyyymmdd is not ISO and SQL Server parsing yyyy-mm-dd is unreliable (see my answer link)