Search code examples

is it possible to use the discovery module from the Google apiclient in Cloud Datalab?

I have a simple python script that does something like this:

from apiclient import discovery
from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
ggSvc = ( 'genomics', 'v1', credentials=credentials )

body = { "readGroupSetIds": [readGroupSetId],
         "referenceName": args.chr,
         "start": args.pos-2,
         "end": args.pos+2,
         "pageSize": 256 }

r = ggSvc.reads().search ( body=body ).execute()

is it possible to do this from Datalab or is my best option to use the requests module and then construct and post the http request that way?


  • The following command will install the google api python client
    !pip install google-api-python-client

    You can also run commands using the %%bash cell magic option.

    For example,

    pip install google-api-python-client