Everything with Stetho works great in my sample app I tested after going through this YouTube tutorial (SQLite, SharedPreferences show) except for seeing the Network Calls which I'd love to get working.
I'm making numerous API calls when the app is loaded. One for example is within my Service.java Class as seen in the link below. Perhaps it's not showing up in Stetho because the API call happens when the app is loaded before Stetho can be opened. Any ideas would be appreciated to get this feature working.
I initialize Stetho in my MainActivity.java. In onCreate() I have
// Initialize Stetho
.enableDumpapp(new SampleDumperPluginsProvider(this))
Then I also included a Stetho Class at the bottom.
// Create class for Stetho
private static class SampleDumperPluginsProvider implements DumperPluginsProvider {
private final Context mContext;
public SampleDumperPluginsProvider(Context context){mContext = context;}
public Iterable<DumperPlugin> get() {
ArrayList<DumperPlugin> plugins = new ArrayList<>();
for (DumperPlugin defaultPlugin : Stetho.defaultDumperPluginsProvider(mContext).get()) {
//plugins.add(new SyncAdapterFragment());
return plugins;
and of course I also have the proper dependencies
compile 'com.facebook.stetho:stetho:1.3.0'
I had the same issue with missing early network calls, but there's an easy way to see all the calls using a simple breakpoint, since you can connect to a 'paused' application:
-> you should see all your (network) calls now (if Stetho is correctly integrated of course)
I tried this only on my device, not sure if the emulator behaves the same
your Stetho init is correct, I used the same construct.
to see network calls, you need to add a 'StethoInterceptor()' into your http client. I'm just starting with Android, so I cannot immediately tell you how to do this in your code, but here's how I inserted Stetho (1.3.1) in Retrofit 2 (2.0.0-beta4)
// add a Facebook StethoInterceptor to the OkHttpClient's list of network interceptors
OkHttpClient okClient = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
.addNetworkInterceptor(new StethoInterceptor())
mRetrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()