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How to set up unit testing for Visual Studio C++

I'm having trouble figuring out how to get the testing framework set up and usable in Visual Studio 2008 for C++ presumably with the built-in unit testing suite.

Any links or tutorials would be appreciated.


  • This page may help, it reviews quite a few C++ unit test frameworks:

    • CppUnit
    • Boost.Test
    • CppUnitLite
    • NanoCppUnit
    • Unit++
    • CxxTest

    Check out CPPUnitLite or CPPUnitLite2.

    CPPUnitLite was created by Michael Feathers, who originally ported Java's JUnit to C++ as CPPUnit (CPPUnit tries mimic the development model of JUnit - but C++ lacks Java's features [e.g. reflection] to make it easy to use).

    CPPUnitLite attempts to make a true C++-style testing framework, not a Java one ported to C++. (I'm paraphrasing from Feather's Working Effectively with Legacy Code book). CPPUnitLite2 seems to be another rewrite, with more features and bug fixes.

    I also just stumbled across UnitTest++ which includes stuff from CPPUnitLite2 and some other framework.

    Microsoft has released WinUnit.

    Also checkout Catch or Doctest