I am writing an application which handles multiple systems. The user can choose the system which he wants to work with and I store that system ID in session (client session)
Now I have Service classes, lets say CustomerService.
class CustomerService(val systemID: String) {
// Implementation
I want to use Guice to inject the Customer instance to the Controllers. But I want to instantiate the CustomerService with SystemID which is stored in the session.
How can I access request.session
in Guice Module?
Had simplified my code above. My actual code uses interfaces. How can I use assisted inject for this?
trait CustomerService(val systemID: String) {
// Definition
object CustomerService{
trait Factory {
def apply(systemID: String) : CustomerService
class DefaultCustomerService @Inject() (@Assisted systemID: String)
extends CustomerService {
// Definition
class CustomerController @Inject()(
val messagesApi: MessagesApi,
csFactory: CustomerService.Factory)
This gives me: CustomerService is an interface, not a concrete class. Unable to create AssistedInject factory.
And I do not want to put the Factory under DefaultCustomerService
and use DefaultCustomerService.Factory
in the controller. This is because for unit testing I will be using TestCustomerService
stub and want Dependency Injection to inject TestCustomerService
into the controller instead of DefaultCustomerService
You should not do that. If you need to inject an instance of something that requires runtime-values, you can use guice's AssistedInject.
Here's how you can use it with play:
1. Create a factory of your service with the runtime value as parameter:
object CustomerService {
trait Factory {
def apply(val systemID: String): CustomerService
2. Implement your service with the assisted parameter
class CustomerService @Inject() (@Assisted systemId: String) { .. }
3. Bind the factory in your guice module:
install(new FactoryModuleBuilder()
.implement(classOf[CustomerService], classOf[CustomerServiceImpl])
4. And finally inject the factory where you need the customer service:
class MyController @Inject() (csFactory: CustomerService.Factory) { .. }
Here's another example of assisted inject: https://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.5.x/ScalaTestingWebServiceClients