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Hackerrank draw a staircase of length N in php

Draw a staircase of height N like this:


Staircase of height 6, note the last line should have zero spaces.

My solution does not work correctly

function draw($size)
    for ($i = 1; $i <=$size ; $i++)
        $spaces = $size-$i;
        while ($spaces)
            echo " ";
        $stairs = 0;
        while ($stairs < $i)
            echo "#";
        echo "<br/>";

It is not printing the spaces, I tried \n, PHP.EOL still it didn't work. Any suggestions?


  • Although other solutions are all good , here is my code as well.

    for ( $i =1 ; $i<=$max;$i++) {
            for ( $space = 1; $space <= ($max-$i);$space++) {
                    echo " ";
            for ( $hash = 1; $hash <= $i;$hash ++ ) {
                    echo "#";
            echo "\n";