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concatenating sysdate with fixed time in oracle

I want to concatenate sysdate with my own time. Below is the query i have tried, but I am getting year as 0016 instead of 2016.

Are there any other ways to get the result like below?


select to_date(sysdate || ' 02:50:00','dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') as MyTime from dual



3/12/0016 02:50:00 AM


  • One way

    1. Convert SYSDATE to a string
    2. Append your fixed time element
    3. Convert back to a date

    Put it altogether like this:

    to_date(to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD')||' 02:50:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS' ) 

    Alternative way: use arithmetic.

    1. Strip the real time from SYSDATE
    2. Add the number of seconds ((60*60*2)+(50*60)/(60*60*24)

    Include your workings or not:

    trunc(sysdate) + ( 10200 / 86400)

    There is a third way: use an INTERVAL (basically a variant of the second way).

    SQL> select trunc(sysdate) + to_dsinterval('0 02:50:00') as mytime
      2  from dual
      3  /
    2016-03-12 02:50:00