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md-chips with ngMessage

I'm trying to use ngMessages with md-chips angular materials component, but I don't find nothing about it. I've tried this solution, but didn't work,

         <md-input-container md-theme="hs-green" flex set-chips-validity>
          <label class="label">Anno</label>

          <md-chips name="yearInput" required ng-model="vm.offer.year">



          <div data-ng-messages="insertOfferDetailsForm.yearInput.$error" data-ng-show="insertOfferDetailsForm.yearInput.$dirty">
            <div data-ng-message="required"><span translate="ERROR.FIELD.MANDATORY"></span></div>


Help me, please :)


  • Angular Material Design Documentation says that validation is pending feature so we'll just wait for that. Till then you can use this quick solution.

    <md-chips ng-model="vm.offer.year">

    Since this model contains an array you can check its length and use it to show validation like

    <span ng-show="vm.offer.year.length == 0"> This field is required. </span>

    This way you can kind of define the minimun length for chips and md-max-chips is there for max-length.

    working example.