I'm new to phalcon. I am retrieving data from the blog
table with many ways but I think I'm doing same thing again and again like datetime DESC
, datetime DESC LIMIT 5
, views DESC LIMIT 5
, etc. from the same table. Is there an easy way to retrieve data in one query?
I want to count comments in volt for each post. But it shows like: 11 instead of 2. How do I count comments?
# Blog Controller
public function indexAction()
#Data Retrieve
$bloger = Blogs::find(["order" => "datetime DESC"]);
$this->view->setVar('blogs', $bloger);
:Count How Many Post have each User
$pcount = Blogs::findBybauthor($this->session->get('uname'));
:Get Recent Posts
$latest = Blogs::find(["order" => "datetime DESC limit 5"]);
$this->view->setVar('recent', $latest);
:Get Most visited Posts
$viewer = Blogs::find(["order" => "views DESC limit 5"]);
$this->view->setVar('views', $viewer);
:Comments Retrieve
$coment = Comments::find();
$this->view->setVar('comented', $coment);
This is my volt tags its not showing as expected. I also use |length but it's not working as expected:
{% for coment in comented %}
{% if coment.entry_id === bloger.id %}
<?php echo(count($coment->entry_id)); ?>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
How can I achieve that?
In controller first try to render each posts detail in view (blog/show)
Here is my controller.php.
public function showfullAction($pid)
$blog = Blogs::findFirstById($pid);
$gid = $blog->id;
$data = Blogs::findFirstById($gid);
$this->view->setVar('detail', $data);
#Similar Posts
$similar = Blogs::find(["btitle LIKE :title:","bind"=>["title"=>'%'.$data->btitle.'%'],"order" => "datetime DESC limit 5"]);
$this->view->setVar('datas', $similar);
And finally in my view page (blog/show):
{% for similar in datas %}
{{link_to('blog/showfull/'~similar.id,similar.btitle,'class':'cats')}} <br/>
{% endfor %}
and now its working as expected!