I have a Rest Template exchange for get service. The service returns the responses as below :
Response1(Single Document):- { "irpage": [{ "drawer": "HPPS", "folderNumber": "HPA00008047642", "docID": "1", "pageNumber": "1", "din": "HPPSHPA00008047642000001", "userKey1": "20151119NJ", "docType": "APPD", "docDate": "20151119", "numberPages": "1", "fileName": "\12_HPPS\20151119\5_Z000\SCHEDL2\952490010845", "tempFileName": "\\prcins.net\Shared\irtestnjimages01\12_HPPS\20151119\5_Z000\SCHEDL2\952490010845.pdf", "driver": "", "dateCaptured": "20151119", "timeCaptured": "08:45:04", "singleInd": "S", "userID": "SCHEDL2", "status": "U", "batch": "Z000", "format": "PDF", "media": "D", "orientation": "0", "tempDin": "12201511190845952490845SCHEDL2", "transType": "APPD", "operator": "", "userkey2": "0", "reason": "Computer Generated Document", "archiveStatus": "A", "archiveDate": "20151119", "deviceID": "1", "packageID": "1", "packageType": "15007", "markedInd": "0", "dspPageNumber": "1", "aMedia": "", "aDrive": "", "description": "Output", "folderName": "GAIL BARTLING", "docDescription": "Application Document", "overlayID": null, "docIndex": null }] }
Response2(Multiple Documents): { "irpage": [{ "drawer": "HPPS", "folderNumber": "HPA00008047642", "docID": "1", "pageNumber": "1", "din": "HPPSHPA00008047642000001", "userKey1": "20151119NJ", "docType": "APPD", "docDate": "20151119", "numberPages": "1", "fileName": "\12_HPPS\20151119\5_Z000\SCHEDL2\952490010845", "tempFileName": "\\prcins.net\Shared\irtestnjimages01\12_HPPS\20151119\5_Z000\SCHEDL2\952490010845.pdf", "driver": "", "dateCaptured": "20151119", "timeCaptured": "08:45:04", "singleInd": "S", "userID": "SCHEDL2", "status": "U", "batch": "Z000", "format": "PDF", "media": "D", "orientation": "0", "tempDin": "12201511190845952490845SCHEDL2", "transType": "APPD", "operator": "", "userkey2": "0", "reason": "Computer Generated Document", "archiveStatus": "A", "archiveDate": "20151119", "deviceID": "1", "packageID": "1", "packageType": "15007", "markedInd": "0", "dspPageNumber": "1", "aMedia": "", "aDrive": "", "description": "Output", "folderName": "GAIL BARTLING", "docDescription": "Application Document", "overlayID": null, "docIndex": null }, { "drawer": "HPPS", "folderNumber": "HPA00008047642", "docID": "4", "pageNumber": "1", "din": "HPPSHPA00008047642000004", "userKey1": "20160104NJ", "docType": "FINA", "docDate": "20160104", "numberPages": "1", "fileName": "\12_HPPS\20160105\5_Z000\SCHEDL2\308070010819", "tempFileName": "\\prcins.net\Shared\irtestnjimages01\12_HPPS\20160105\5_Z000\SCHEDL2\308070010819.pdf", "driver": "", "dateCaptured": "20160105", "timeCaptured": "08:19:30", "singleInd": "S", "userID": "SCHEDL2", "status": "U", "batch": "Z000", "format": "PDF", "media": "D", "orientation": "0", "tempDin": "12201601050819308070819SCHEDL2", "transType": "FINA", "operator": "", "userkey2": "0", "reason": "Computer Generated Document", "archiveStatus": "A", "archiveDate": "20160105", "deviceID": "1", "packageID": "4", "packageType": "15007", "markedInd": "0", "dspPageNumber": "1", "aMedia": "", "aDrive": "", "description": "Output", "folderName": "GAIL BARTLING", "docDescription": "Final Notice of Cancellation", "overlayID": null, "docIndex": null }] }
When I provide the Class < E > targetClass as new HashMap< String, List< Map < String , String>>>().getClass() the Response2 get parsed and I get the results in a Map, however the response1(Single Document) doesn't work and returns as null.
or If I provide the Class < E > targetClass as new HashMap< String , Map < String, String>>().getClass() the Response1 get parsed and I get the results in a Map, however the response2(Multiple Documents) doesn't work and returns as null.
I am not sure how to handle and parse the both the responses from service ?
responseMap = restUtils.findDocuments(urlBuilder.build(),new HashMap<String,List<Map<String,String>>>().getClass());
**RestUtils Class:**
public <E> E findDocuments(String url,Class<E> targetClass) throws JsonProcessingException {
MultiValueMap<String, String> headers = new LinkedMultiValueMap<String, String>();
//headers.add("id", StringUtils.trimToEmpty(policyNo));
HttpEntity<Object> requestEntity = new HttpEntity<Object>(headers);
ResponseEntity<E> response = restTemplate.exchange(url,HttpMethod.GET, requestEntity, targetClass);
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
String jsonResponse = mapper.writeValueAsString(response);
return (E) response.getBody();
Any help will be appreciated.
Response1(Single Document):-
"reason":"Computer Generated Document",
"folderName":"GAIL BARTLING",
"docDescription":"Application Document",
Response2(Multiple Documents)
"reason":"Computer Generated Document",
"folderName":"GAIL BARTLING",
"docDescription":"Application Document",
"reason":"Computer Generated Document",
"folderName":"GAIL BARTLING",
"docDescription":"Final Notice of Cancellation",
I'd solve it this way
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create();
responseObject = gson.fromJson(jsonString, MyClass.class);
public class MyClass {
List<ArrayEntry> irpage;
public class ArrayEntry {
String drawer;
String folderNumber;
Use modifiers that you need (public/private)
Maven dependency for Gson