I use Ipython Notebook and at times need to install new python packages like plotly, scikit etc. I have already tried using the most popular methods PIP and Easy Install to install the packages directly from cmd in windows but neither works. Here is the error that I get-
C:\Users\xxxx>pip install plotly
Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"'
And with easy install, I get some error as well. Is there a third way of installing packages? May be manually installing the package after downloading the .tar.gz file?
I found the answer. In case when both pip and easy_install fails, there is a third way (as simple as pip and easy_install).
Step 1) Go to https://pypi.python.org/ to find the desired python module/package and download the *.tar.gz file (example name: plotly-1.9.6.tar.gz) and save it anywhere.
Step 2) Unzip the file to get plotly-1.9.6. Inside this folder you will find setup.py. Open cmd and browse till the root folder of setup.py and use this command -
python setup.py install
And you are good. If you know of any fourth method, do share it here.