One of the exercises in the is to write a functor instance for
data EvilGoateeConst a b =
GoatyConst b
My attempt is
instance Functor (EvilGoateeConst a) where
fmap f (GoatyConst b) = GoatyConst b
The simplest fix is just to switch the arguments to the type constructor, but I guess that is verboten. What is the simplest way of fixing this without changing the original type?
(And I am not applying the function because that makes the compiler barf, but I think it still is a valid functor according to the laws.)
I think you are overthinking this problem - look at the type of fmap
in this case it should be:
fmap :: (b -> c) -> EvilGoateeConst a b -> EvilGoateeConst a c
The reason is that EvilGoateeConst a b ~ (EvilGoateeConst a) b
and so EvilGoateeConst a :: * -> *
fits exactly the kind a Functor
instance need to have but now the a
is fixed and the functor might change the b
ok I don't know how to say more without totally spoiling it so don't look if you want to try it yourself but the answer is just:
instance Functor (EvilGoateeConst a) where
fmap f (GoatyConst b) = GoatyConst (f b)