I have a Hybris installation and my team has developed everything in the Desktop version of all the pages/tags/fragments/views.
Now my CSS Team says that they can handle the responsiveness via CSS but the Desktop version needs to be the page to be called.
My Problem is that when i open the site in mobile/emulator, the mobile paths to pages are called, finally returning a 404.
What can be done to turn this auto redirect feature off..??
Any ideas..?
I have checked the hmc and turned off channel for the Mobile, but that is only for electronics and apparels.
I am working on the b2c telco channel
Add this:
# Disables the mobile version of the site. This can be made site specific like this:
# uiexperience.level.supported.b2ctelco=DESKTOP
To the project.properties file of your storefront extension.
It tells Hybris that you only want to support the desktop ui experience level. N.B. You will need to clear the cache/cookies on your mobile device before the change will take effect.