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Retrofit2 + SimpleXML in Kotlin: MethodException: Annotation must mark a set or get method

I want to fetch XML data from API and map it to Kotlin model object by using Retrofit2 + SimpleXML in Kotlin.

However, I got such as the following error message from SimpleXML.

org.simpleframework.xml.core.MethodException: Annotation @org.simpleframework.xml.Element(data=false, name=, required=true, type=void) must mark a set or get method

This is fetched XML data

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <result code="0">Success</result>

Kotlin model object is below

@Root(name = "response")
public class User() {
    @Element public var result: String? = null
    @Element public var token: String? = null
    @Element public var uid: String? = null

and APIClient is as follows.

interface  MyService {
    fun getUser(): Call<User>

val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()
val call = retrofit.create(
call.enqueue(object: Callback<User> {
        override fun onResponse(p0: Call<User>?, response: Response<User>?) {
            val response = response?.body()
        override fun onFailure(p0: Call<User>?, t: Throwable?) {
            Log.e("APIClient", t?.message)

I got HTTP status code 200 and correct XML data. So I think my declaration of model object is problem.


  • This is the same problem as: kotlin data class + bean validation jsr 303

    You need to use Annotation use-site targets since the default for an annotation on a property is prioritized as:

    • parameter (if declared in constructor)
    • property (if the target site allows, but only Kotlin created annotations can do this)
    • field (likely what happened here, which isn't what you wanted).

    Use get or set target to place the annotation on the getter or setter. Here it is for the getter:

    @Root(name = "response")
    public class User() {
        @get:Element public var result: String? = null
        @get:Element public var token: String? = null
        @get:Element public var uid: String? = null

    See the linked answer for the details.