I'm experiencing 500 Internal Server Error occasionally when performing concurrent writes to Neo4j. Query example below.
MATCH (u1:User {id:{id1}})
MATCH (u2:User {id:{id2}})
MERGE (u1)-[:FOLLOWS]->(u2)
In case of very popular user you can experience high number of concurrent relationship creations for the u2
At the momement I'm explicitly handling DeadlockDetectedException
and have a retry logic in place. But from time to time I'm getting 500 from the server with response body below.
<head><title>500 Internal Server Error</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1></center>
Which gives me no clue what happened on the server. If I handle it and perform a retry everything works as expected. But this looks pretty dodgy as I basically guessing that in this particular case deadlock happened which might be wrong and unrelated to the actual server error.
This issue was related to our ngnix box configuration which gave generic 500 in some occasions instead of propagating DeadlockDetectedException