How can I enable static directories just for a user's session in express? Using some HTML files as an examples, I know I can serve a directory called private via the call below
app.use("/private", express.static(appDir + '/private'));
What I would like to do is just enable the static resource once a user has been authenticated (using stormpath as my example).
For example, the function below would check if the user existed in stormpath and if they did, the app would then serve the static directory of maps.
app.get('/getPrivate', stormpath.getUser, function(req, res) {
app.use("/private", express.static(appDir + '/private'));
//your not logged in.... redirect to login page
This does not work as I've found once I enable the static directory for a user, another user would then be able to visit the private directory without logging in.
Using app.all in my routes did the trick
var path = require('path');
var express = require('express');
var appDir = path.dirname(require.main.filename);
app.all('/private/*', stormpath.getUser, function(req, res, next) {
//you are not logged in.... redirect to login page
app.use("/private", express.static(appDir + '/private'));