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How to execute SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON/OFF with a pass-through query from Access VBA?

I have an Access db which has several tables linked. Now I'ld like to execute SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON/OFF on those tables. I googled and found things like this

Private mDb As Database
Public Sub SetIdentityInsert(strTableName As String, strOnorOff As String)
 Dim qdf As QueryDef
 Dim strSQL As String

 On Error GoTo Proc_Err

 Set qdf = mDb.QueryDefs("qryIDENTITY_INSERT")

 strSQL = "SET IDENTITY_INSERT " & strTableName & " " & strOnorOff
 qdf.SQL = strSQL

 On Error Resume Next
 Set qdf = Nothing
 Exit Sub

 Resume Proc_Exit
End Sub


However, if I do this

Dim qdf As QueryDef
Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("Passthru")

I complains that the passed string has to be one of DELETE, INSERT, SELECT, PROCEDURE or UPDATE.

I'm pretty sure this is possible somehow. Here the author pastes example code calling a Sub ExecutePassThru, but the code for it is absent.


  • [It] complains that the passed string has to be one of DELETE, INSERT, SELECT, PROCEDURE or UPDATE.

    Access is not recognizing that the query is (intended to be) a pass-through query because the .Connect property of the QueryDef has not been set to a string that begins with "ODBC;". You need to set the .Connect property before you set the .SQL property.

    Since you already have linked tables defined in the database you can just copy one of their .Connect properties, like this:

    Dim cdb As DAO.Database
    Set cdb = CurrentDb
    Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
    Set qdf = cdb.QueryDefs("Passthru")
    qdf.Connect = cdb.TableDefs("YourExistingLinkedTableName").Connect
    qdf.ReturnsRecords = False
    qdf.SQL = "SET IDENTITY_INSERT " & TheRestOfYourSqlCommand