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Grammar regex in Sublime/Textmate/Atom

In Puppet there are two forms of require:


require foo


require => 'foo'

I want to change the Texmate/Sublime Text/Atom grammar so it can highlight them correctly.

Right now the code looks like this (Atom package, but they all share the same Textmate style regex):

    'begin': '(?i)\\b(import|include|require)\\b\\s*'
        'name': 'keyword.control.import.include.puppet'
    'end': '(?=\\s|$)'
    'name': 'meta.include.puppet'

However, this means that require => still gets highlighted:

Example incorrect highlighting

When the grammar is correct, require => should be the orange color.

How can I change the regex to accommodate this requirement? Does it require a separate rule?


  • You can add a negative lookahead:


    That will assert that the line doesn't contains => see Live Demo