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A module with a store

It happens quite often that it is costly to calculate a property from a value. So it would be better to be able to store the property once it is calculated. I am wondering how to code this properly.

Let's take an example. Assume we have a type integer, and very often we need to calculate prime factors of a value of such type (let's assume the prime factors of a negative integer is None):

module I =
  type t = C of int
  type pf = (int list) option 

  let calculate_prime_factors (x: t) : pf =
    (* a costly function to calculate prime factors *)
    ... ...

  let get_prime_factors (x: t) : pf =
    calculate_prime_factors x

let () = 
  let v = I.C 100 in
  let pf_1 = I.get_prime_factors v in
  let pf_2 = I.get_prime_factors v in
  let pf_3 = I.get_prime_factors v in

At the moment, get_prime_factors just calls calculate_prime_factors, as a consequence, all the calculations of pf_1, pf_2, pf_3 are time consuming. I would like to have a mechanism to enable storing prime factors inside the module, so that as long as the integer does not change, the second and third times of get_prime_factors just read what have been stored.

Does anyone know how to modify the module I to achieve this?

It is possible that we need references to make this mechanism possible (eg, let vr = ref (I.C 100) in ...). It is OK for me to use references. But I don't know how to trigger automatically calculate_prime_factors if the hold value (ie, !vr) is changed.


  • Looks like, that you're looking for this solution:

    module I = struct 
      type t = {
         c : int;
         mutable result : int option;
      let create c = {c; result = None}
      let calculate_prime_factors t = match t.result with
        | Some r -> r
        | None -> 
           let r = do_calculate t.c in
           t.result <- Some r;

    This is called memoizing. And this particular example can be solved even easier, with Lazy computations.

      module I = struct
        type t = int Lazy.t  
        let create c = lazy (do_calculate c)
        let calculate_prime_factors = Lazy.force